Friday, January 20, 2012

Thank you!

I know I haven't blogged all week, but 3 days with students and nasty, dreary weather haven't helped things. Grades were due today!  You all know what that means!!!! Trying to get work submitted is tough and I wish I had the answers on the magical ways to change chasing down those last minute papers, but I don't. I just keep trying something new and see what happens. If I do ever find the magical answer I promise to share it.

I do want to thank you, my new followers, and let you know that I really appreciate the fact that you joined my blog! I hope that I can do half of the job that you do with your blogs. For those followers that don't have a blog, please leave a comment and tell me what I can offer you as a reader of my blog.

Clutter-Free Classroom Project Week 2, 3, and 4 will be combined.  I made a plan and I'm purging like a mad woman. Look for that blog post by Monday. 

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