Saturday, December 31, 2011


Have you heard about this? Do you play in your classroom?

I've played Homeworkopoly with 5th graders and customized the streets so they are the street names of my students- they really loved this.

I've even been playing it with my 6th graders.  The individual spaces are not named, but the kids love to play regardless. I love the fact that it rewards the individual students instead of rewarding the class if all students have completed their homework. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with teachers doing this, I just prefer using Homeworkopoly.

I play once every week, usually on Friday and sometimes on Monday.  Students only get to play if they have completed their homework on time.  NO LATE assignments.

I have these colored dice for students to use while playing.

I have made the prizes simple and easy.  I use homework passes only if students land on the HW space, erasers, candy, pens, coupons (usually post-it notes that have the following messages: Do 1/2 of a CW assignment, Do 1/2 of a HW assignment, and Do 1/2 of a WB page. The last three give the student some practice on the skill being taught or reviewed, but they don't have to do all of them.

I also set up one of the spaces so that they get a ticket- this is to be traded in for candy, and homework passes.

I have a metal cabinet so I've put magnets on all of my pieces and then I bought round magnets from Walmart that the students put a neon round sticker on and write their name with a fine point sharpie pen.

Click here to get the downloads to make your own:  HOMEWORKOPOLY


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